Randall Davis
Randall Davis
Stata Center 237
32 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
Phone: (617) 253-5879
Email: send email to my last name at csail.mit.edu
Administrative Assistant: Nira Manoharan (617)253-5977
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Research Director ar MIT CSAIL
Recent Bio
Current Projects and A Few Publications
Sketch Understanding and Design Rationale Capture
For an extensive overview of the project, click here.
Intellectual Property
Davis R, Samuelson P, Kapor M, Reichmann J, A new view of intellectual property and
software, Communications of the ACM, March 1996, pp. 21-30
(in pdf)
(in postscript)
AAAI 1996 Presidential Address
Davis R, What Are Intelligence? And Why?
AAAI Magazine, Spring 1998, pp. 91-110.
(in pdf)